Research and selection of professionals (senior roles, business figures, technical, administrative, ...)

High efficient processes for the systematic recruiting of young graduates nationwide with homogeneous characteristics

Services to define and evaluate skills (pattern classification, detection tools, ...)

Assessment of the personnel potential aimed at career development

School career guidance projects and school to work alternation projects

Consultancy for the inclusion in the company of “protected labour categories” (Italian law 68/99): targeted research and selection projects, disability assessment and assessment of residual skills according to the parameters of the law


We are aware of the value that people to be hired have for our customers. For this reason, we put in selecting the utmost care and attention, making the client’s judging criteria our judging criteria.

We know how to find the "right" people for our clients, using, where necessary, head hunting processes.

Our recruiters become our client’s recruiting department to help to attract and retain its strategic capital (the right people in the right place)

Our recruiting and assessment processes:

  • use a wide network and connections to identify and connect candidates nationwide;
  • are based on specific analytics of the fundamental characteristics in order to screen and present the very best candidates;
  • use a set of tools tailored according to the profile required by the client;
  • integrate traditional recruitment tools with consulting and training methods;
  • provides a detailed and objective (numerical) reporting based on parameters defined jointly with the customer;
  • provide detailed reporting about each candidate highlighting the level of consistency with the required profile from both personal characteristics and a technical/experiential point of view;
  • evaluate the "environmental compatibility" of the candidate with the company context